Wednesday, September 26, 2007

i'll see YOU at the lights

went to the dirty secrets "my heart is on fire" single launch on friday with chloe... they were supported by the colours and some band from sydney whose name i didn't catch... but the second support is the one that's important...
chloe and i found our new favourite local act... they go by the name of harlequin league and they play electro punk/french pop... damn they're good... the lead singer james is sooo hot but possibly gay... have a listen on their myspace, mind you, they're definately better live... recorded is so... yeah... we've decided to follow them around the gig scene, they're supporting the cops and expatriate at amps on the 12th oct
and might go to amps on sat when they support streetlight, although i don't really like streetlight...
and we bought our mighty dirty secrets band shirts which we so cooly wore last night to the 1990s gig at amps...

omg it was so good...
chloe david and i went to carnegies at around 7:30 for $6 SEX ON THE BEACH!!!
after 3 rounds we went over to amps and stood around the stage... happy to note we maintained our prime positions throughout the entire night... cos we're cool like that... the dirty secrets played first... got the set list... which was the same one that chloe got on friday with a couple of songs crossed off... after that was dardanelles... and i'd only heard their song "footsteps" previously... they weren't that great... but it was funny to see their singer dancing like mr bean...
and after that was 1990s!!!!
they were so awesome! opened the set with "you make me like it" and finished with a 2 song encore...
grabbed the set list after and got it signed by hot/geeky drummer/singer michael... and jenna chloe and i got a photo!!!

chloe michael me jenna

mmm...i have a thing for geeky looking, hot scottish accented, sweaty muso's

and yeah that was how i lost my 18+ gig-ginity... next up is jamie t at the bakery next tuesday...

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